Jane Austen

by Lise Rodgers


Lise Rodgers presents a stylish collection of theatrical entertainments based on the letters and novels of Jane Austen.

Heroine Series

A Most Patient Persuasion

My Emma

Jane Austen Writes Elizabeth Bennet

Life and Times Series

The 3 R’s – Reading, Writing and Romance

Dining With Jane

Getting Dressed With Jane

A Day With Jane

Conversations – a series of informal talks that share information about Jane Austen and her world.

Do You Dance Mr Darcy?

When Jane Austen wrote that “to be fond of dancing was a certain step towards falling in love”, she was writing of a world where dancing was the most important pastime for making the acquaintance of the opposite sex. A world of balls and assemblies, country dances and reels; a world where fun and flirtation were possible within a strict code of conduct. But what was the etiquette? What were the steps and how did Jane and her heroines fare on the dance floor?

A Christmas with Jane Austen

“Christmas goes out in fine style – with Twelfth night. It is a finish worthy of the time. Christmas day was the morning of the season’ New Year’s day the middle of it, or noon; Twelfth night is the night, brilliant with innumerable planets of Twelfth-cakes”.Leigh Hunt 1784-1859

Using opinions of the day, Austen family letters and excerpts from “Emma”, we get to experience a “Jane Austen” Christmas.

She Wrote About What She Knew

“Three of four families in a country village is the very thing to work on…..”. Jane Austen. 1814

The Last Letters

Throughout her life, Jane Austen was a prolific writer of letters – to her family, friends and acquaintances. Sharing the minutiae of her everyday life, her thoughts and opinions, her wit and her humour.

Devised as a commemorative tribute for the 200th anniversary of Jane Austen’s death in 1817, it’s an opportunity to hear Jane speak through the letters she wrote in the last months of her life.

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